Elettra in Missouri

The garden yields the vegetables we desire to eat
I am holding onto a fistful of sweet green beans
When we return to the topic of the police

The morning yields orange shots
stores burn with black back drops
in America, Missouri, cops spit rubber
bullets between thumb and forefinger
square format photo teargas canister

4am sees the temperature drop down
low low low on the streets of Ferguson
the streets of Philadelphia of New York
and Me? warm duvet feet and no work

Elettra flew from Crete!
always up for revenge
in Ferguson, Missourri
begging for the furies
Idomeneo, Aegisthus?
Agamemnon? why gun down Iphigenia?
solidarity for Clytemnestra?
a litter of children killed
by men in the interest of men
silent as mothers’ names
outside of the palace
mourning again
back to London 2010
and Argos burns