Prophesy Unfulfilled

It sounds like censers swinging
Broadcast from a cathedral
It sounds like diaphragm flex
Twisted into radio waves
It sounds like the weight of stone
Lifted into flying buttresses 
It sounds like air forced through
The kitchen window is ajar.

Picture a child peeling bark
From one of these huddled trees
Birches shudder
Just thinking about it
 “Imagine if a tree came along
And peeled off your skin”

My Godson is a chorister
I saw him singing at midnight mass
Given a different childhood perhaps
I’d have sung for the Archbishop
I’d be a lay vicar now
Each of the elder choristers wears a beard
To be absolutely clear

I like to sing the hymns
Aside from having my shirt untucked
Being late for chapel
Was my only misdemeanour
I won the divinity prize all the same
I do not say the prayers

“For all the boots
of the tramping warriors
and all the garments
rolled in blood
shall be burned
as fuel for the fire”

Thanks be to God
Bold words
In the order of service
Mean we should speak them