Decalogue (by my friend Brian)

you can
go all you like
at me, you can go all you like
at me.
i will just walk you around the museum
where i work and show you all the statues
where i work, speak in tongues until
you give up.
until you feel you need to shake my hand
congratulate me for showing you truth
insofar as truth can be found
in what must be at least 100 tonnes of marble
all told

what we are looking at here
is a vast expanse of grass
and trees on hills, it’s green

i wonder what you are thinking
you are sweating
anyone can see that
there is a film of nervous thought
smeared across your chest
anyone can see that
underneath your poor blotchy skin
if i press my hand against your collar bone
maybe I will get it

the last time i ate a hamburger
i saw myself in the mirror
with a handful of french fries
i was cold from being too long
wet swimming around
having just given myself
a severe dressing down
now i was perched on the edge of the bath
with the wrapper of the first burger
on the floor with a piece of pickle left in it
thinking about gwyneth paltrow
i had been in the lake all afternoon
and bought the burgers on the way home
and a milkshake and i found nothing sublime
in the water and nothing even close in the burger
or the fries
but the soft towelling of my christmas present dressing gown
was making me feel warm

“you are incredibly stupid and arrogant”
it was only an hour into my birthday party

it is the sound of a hand hitting against wet railings
that you couldn’t stop thinking of all day long.
it is profound isn’t it?
the way it rattles on.

there are maybe a half dozen things that make me really really angry angry to the point of clenching my fist so my knuckles go white the kind of anger that fixes my feet to the ground and open up my chest and breathe in deeply and just yell at you there are a lot of other things that make me angry but not as angry as that does if you know what i mean i won’t tell you the really bad ones or the quite bad ones if i even truly let my brain settle on one of the 8 on the top tier, or even one of the 64 on the second my bones would start cracking automatically and well its not something you should see instead let me tell you something that gets me a little bit angry but not much imagine that you and i are eating lunch together and you make a funny noise when you’re eating that would really tick me off

the natural world is like
nothing else is like and
you let your eyes sink
into the vanishing point
and the horizon sucks
you in like a dyson

I sing of arms and I sing of the
man I sing of, with brown swept back hair
they are Driving through America
they face danger and don’t get scared
there is a banging hip hop soundtrack
the source of much of the humour is
the man is white the woman is black
making sexual chemistry fizz
Because despite many cultural
differences providing comedy
his lust for her skin is formidable
And she has a dark past she must flee
At the end of the film they will drive
into desert sunset listening
to Jay Z and Kanye performing
the hit single Niggas in Paris
they are on the way to paradise

Do you remember when
You were only about ten
Or eleven.
You fancied Sophie Chen
Whose breasts were big

Even then