it was winter 1998 we met acting a pantomime
10 and 11 you were already taller than me
i think you were captain hook
i played the ship’s cat of course
you brought in philadelphia cheese and bread sticks
in little packs every day you were very excited by them
a kind of a school holiday course
you had a good packed lunch i had money
for the vending machine – we worked out a deal
you were a real show off telling me big books
you read but you would be impressed by things i said
you went to school with peter pan
who i wanted to marry or at least touch
i met her again in 2003
we made out at a walkabout in reading
and afterwards she said i had bad breath
don’t read this to your friends
i know you read some of my poems people laughed
i don’t write for laughs sam
i wrote you i don’t want over the shoulder readers
i suppose they probably thought you wrote it
like a joke but sam it was a joke at my expense
i write things down to get them straight in my own head
not straight in anybody else’s
i wrote you
in good faith
when you visited in december 2004
you had been at university for a few months
you had found a girlfriend and
and your moderate academic success
you were to me
you were a total cunt to me
i don’t know why i send you letters
and poems why i feel like it is important you
of all people know how i am doing and so you can see
why it hurt me to know that you were passing off all this
stuff that i send you out of some kind of  irresistible emotional impulse
some kind of absurd compulsion based on a bond based on nothing except
maybe time  passing it off as your own
so you can see why it hurt me
don’t do it again