Harvest Hymnal

The rich man in his castle,
The poor man at his gate,
He made them, high or lowly,
And ordered their estate.

Accepting donations for the needy
the needy eat spam & tinned potatoes
the needy eat cup-a-soup
the needy eat mushy peas & beans
Beans beans beans beans beans

A field full of stubble
all you can glean is bad advice / in church
the vicar says thanks
and everyone stands together to sing
a hymn titled ‘the deservingly poor’

When a candle catches at a collage
Every tin of beans
boils inside its shoe box
and explodes

At the fire assembly point
counting up his spluttering sheep
the vicar wonders if  he missed someone
he’s got a nagging feeling
but from ages & ages ago

Out of the smoke – THE HOLY GHOST
With sparks coming out of her eyes
You missed the point you fucking cunts
she hands the vicar an iPad with a pdf
title: REVENGE 

the vicar smiles in recognition
he has always wanted faith
in righteous righteous indignation
HOLY GHOST who is a recovering drug addict
just keeps bursting into flames
staring at her melting carrier bags
vicar looks back to his stupid parishioners