Political Poem

I am like sick to the back teeth / of apologising
for my inaction / like anyone knows what to do
and anyway can’t I manage / some kind of violence
against the state from words / or is it compulsory
for me to stand in the cold/ and wait for the police
until we are crying  and so on / what can I do
to get between the tos / and flows
of the invisible hand Oh Yeah / and the food and homes
of the hungry and cold / Oh Yeah
I mean I’ve been on my feet all day and I don’t see
how I can be expected to do a mischief to capital tonight
not when I have eating to keep me busy / and quiche
I saw someone had written a political poem
it was fifty years ago that old bearded 
famous homosexual Ginsberg / Oh Yeah
stood up before Victoria and Albert (in his hall mind)
and cried out about Vietnam and so and so
and so it goes / here you are at least those of you who came
welcome to passive aggression / enough for you to tense
your muscles / until you recognise the grammar joke and know
my politics are a politics of waiting
for things to happen / to me                                                     and that is why you really ought to be laughing